Sabrent Karo


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SabRentKaro is an online rental marketplace which brings together lenders and renters. This e-commerce rental platform connects people and lets them share their products online. Powered by MarketPlace IT Solutions, SabRentKaro is a sustainable business model which works based on the concept of shared economy. SabRentKaro explores the untapped potential of rental market in India. SabRentKaro lets the products to be posted and rented where lenders and renters participate solely.How does this work?
SabRentKaro is a fine example of Shared Economy where individuals are the part of community and products are shared. This is a full-fledged e-commerce rental platform that caters to everyone’s rental needs. SabRentKaro promotes greener environment as it supports the optimum usage of a product which in turn reduces wastage.
Every individual can register themselves on SabRentKaro as an owner or renter. Registration process includes certain mandatory inputs such as name, address, workplace, bank detail. Both owners and renters will be verified for their details. Product owners can post their unused products in by logging in and selecting “Post an ad” option.
After uploading the details and photos of the product, it will go online and is ready to get rented. Owner of the product will have the right to decide the security deposit and rental value of his/her product. Those who need the product can rent it and pay per use. The process is easy and hassle free. One can post any number of products and can rent everything what is needed.
Online transactions make it easy to pay the rent and the products will be picked up from the owner and delivered at the doorstep of the renter. We offer quality logistics and the product will be covered under rental insurance which guarantees the safety of the product.
What SabRentKaro does?
SabRentKaro offers a common platform for those who want to lend their products and those who need them on rent.
SabRentKaro helps in displaying multiple products of an individual or a company for those who search for products on rent.
SabRentKaro verifies the identities of both owners and renter to ensure quality business. And also the products are assessed for their quality.
Once the product is rented SabRentKaro picks up the product from the owner and delivers it to the renter.
SabRentKaro offers rental insurance to ensure the safe return of the product. However, the company has the right to cancel the insurance at any point of time
SabRentKaro does not own any assets and only deals with B2C and C2C services